In the past few days, we have learned that “World Without Danger” covers of the series started disappearing from YouTube. Apparently Franc Keller and Justine Saine, the composers of the original version, are asking for the removal of the videos, often published a year ago or even earlier. It is not yet clear why such steps have been taken, but it is worth noting that such incidents did not happen in the past. It is possible (but not yet confirmed) that it is yet another sign that something new is coming. We will be watching this case.
Immudelki held another stream of his work on IFSCL. He has also begun work on a trailer for version 4.6.X of his IFSCL simulator, the trailer is expected to be about 60 seconds long. In the meantime, work is underway on balancing the battles. A new feature has been announced: the player will be able to choose which monsters will be attacked in a situation where a stronger attack can be made than on a single creature.
The soundtrack for the new episode “Code Lyoko: Frontieres Virtuelles,” which will premiere on December 24 at 6pm, is expected to have 7 tracks. In total, they are expected to last 18 minutes. It has also been announced that an adult Sissi is to appear in the episode, a cartoon representation of this character has been published.
This, in turn, is what Yumi looks like.
Traditionally, we leave at the end of the news a review of fan art from recent times.
Madiator AI generated art works.